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Unlocking the Secrets of the Relationship Spectrum: A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types of Rela

Navigating the Relationship Spectrum: From Monogamy to Relationship Anarchy, Find the Path That’s Right for You!

When it comes to relationships, it can feel like you’re navigating a jungle with no map. But have no fear, because we’re here to break down the different types of relationships on the relationship spectrum and give you a compass to guide you on your journey.

First up, we have the tried and true traditional relationship: monogamy. This is the practice of being romantically and sexually exclusive with one person at a time. It’s the classic “boy meets girl, they fall in love, they live happily ever after” model. But let’s be real, sometimes that “ever after” part can feel like an eternity. Monogamy, while being the most widely accepted and recognized form of a relationship, can be challenging for some people as it limits their options and may not align with their desires. One of the main challenges in monogamous relationships is maintaining sexual and emotional exclusivity over a long period of time. It can be difficult for some people to resist temptations and maintain the level of commitment required for a successful monogamous relationship. But for others, monogamy is the perfect fit, providing them with the security and stability they desire.

Monogamy can also be a great fit for those who value emotional intimacy and exclusivity. It allows them to focus on building a deep connection with one person and allows them to focus on building a life together. The exclusivity of a monogamous relationship allows for a sense of security and trust to develop between partners, which in turn can foster deeper emotional intimacy and understanding. The ability to focus on one person also allows for the building of shared experiences and memories, which can strengthen the bond between partners. The ability to build a life together can also provide a sense of stability and a sense of partnership, which can help people achieve personal goals and dreams.

Additionally, Monogamy also allows couples to build a shared vision for the future, planning and working together towards common goals and aspirations. This can be especially valuable for those who are looking to build a long-term and committed relationship, as it allows them to build a strong foundation for a lifetime together.

 an illustration of a couple holding hands, with a caption that says "Monogamy: Building a deep connection and a life together"

Monogamy: Building a deep connection and a life together

It’s important to note that even in a monogamous relationship, communication and consent are key. This means that both partners must be on the same page when it comes to the expectations and boundaries of the relationship. This includes discussing and agreeing on things like exclusivity, commitment, and future plans. Clear communication and consent are crucial in any type of relationship, but they are even more important in a monogamous relationship where exclusivity is a key component.

It’s also important to remember that just because it’s the most “traditional” form of relationship, it doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for everyone. Every person has their own unique needs and desires when it comes to relationships, and it’s important to find the type of relationship that works best for you and your partner(s). It’s essential to be honest with yourself and your partner(s) about what you want and need in a relationship, and to be open to exploring different types of relationships until you find the one that works best for you.

It’s important to remember that the most important thing is to find a type of relationship that makes you happy and fulfilled. So take the time to explore different types of relationships and find the one that works best for you.

Pros of Monogamy:

  1. Emotional and sexual exclusivity

  2. Stability and security in the relationship

  3. Ability to focus on building a deep connection with one person

  4. A clear understanding of relationship boundaries

Cons of Monogamy:

  1. Limited options for emotional and sexual experiences

  2. Difficulty in maintaining exclusivity over a long period of time

  3. Can be difficult to resist temptations

  4. May not align with some people’s desires and needs

It’s important to understand and acknowledge the pros and cons of each type of relationship, and to find the one that works best for you and your partner(s). Remember, communication and consent are key in any type of relationship.


Next, we have polyamory, which is all about love in abundance. It’s the practice of having multiple romantic partners at the same time, with the consent and knowledge of everyone involved. Think of it like a buffet of love, where you can have your cake and eat it too (and maybe even share it with a few friends)

There are several different types of polyamory, each with their own unique characteristics and dynamics. One type is the “polycule,” which is a group of people who are romantically and/or sexually involved with each other. This can include “V” relationships, where one person is the “hinge” or “center” of the relationship and is romantically involved with two other people, “triads” where three people are all romantically involved with each other, and “quads” where four people are all romantically involved with each other.

Poly love in action: A happy polycule enjoying their diverse and fulfilling relationships

Polycule Pros:

  1. Allows for a diverse network of romantic and/or sexual partners

  2. Can provide emotional and practical support from multiple partners

  3. Can foster deeper emotional intimacy and understanding among partners

Polycule Cons:

  1. Can be complex and difficult to navigate due to the large number of people involved

  2. Communication and consent can be challenging to navigate

  3. Scheduling and logistics can be difficult to manage

Hierarchical Polyamory

Another type of polyamory is “hierarchical polyamory,” where one person is considered the “primary” partner and others are considered “secondary” partners. In this type of polyamory, the primary partner is typically considered the most important, and the secondary partners are considered to be of a lesser importance. This doesn’t mean that secondary partners are any less loved or valued, but rather that the primary partner is considered to be the most significant in terms of emotional and practical support.

This can include “nesting” partners, where one person has a primary partner but also maintains a secondary or tertiary partner for specific needs. For example, a person might have a primary partner with whom they share a home and children, and a secondary partner for sexual or emotional needs. The idea behind nesting partners is that the primary partner fills most of the emotional and practical needs, and the secondary partner fills in the rest.

It’s important to note that hierarchical polyamory can be a great fit for some people, but it’s not for everyone. It’s important to be honest with yourself and your partner(s) about what you want and need in a relationship, and to be open to exploring different types of relationships until you find the one that works best for you.

It’s also important to remember that communication and consent are key in any type of relationship, including hierarchical polyamory. It’s essential to discuss and agree on the expectations and boundaries that come with a hierarchical polyamorous relationship to ensure that all partners are on the same page.

Hierarchical polyamory: When one love is not enough but some are more important than others

Hierarchical Polyamory Pros:

  1. Allows for a primary partner to provide emotional and practical support

  2. Can provide a sense of security and trust

  3. Allows for shared experiences and memories to strengthen the bond between partners

  4. Can provide a sense of stability and partnership

Hierarchical Polyamory Cons:

  1. Secondary partners may feel less valued or less important

  2. Can be difficult to maintain boundaries and expectations

  3. Jealousy and possessiveness can be an issue

Solo Polyamory

Solo Polyamory: When one love is not enough but also doesn’t want to be tied down

There’s also “solo polyamory” which is where an individual chooses to have multiple romantic partners without a primary partner. This type of polyamory is all about being independent and free in love, not being tied down to one person. Solo polyamory allows individuals to have multiple romantic relationships without having to prioritize one person over the others. Instead, all partners are considered equal, and each relationship is given the same importance and attention.

Solo polyamory is often chosen by people who prioritize their own needs and desires, and who want to maintain a sense of autonomy in their relationships. It’s a great fit for those who value independence and self-sufficiency, and who are comfortable with the idea of having multiple partners at the same time.

In Solo polyamory, individuals can have multiple romantic relationships at the same time, but they don’t form a primary relationship. They don’t live together, they don’t need to share finances, and they don’t have to make any kind of long-term commitment. This type of polyamory is all about being independent, free to love who they want, and to be who they want to be.

It’s important to note that solo polyamory is not for everyone, and it’s important to be honest with yourself and your partner(s) about what you want and need in a relationship. As with any type of relationship, communication and consent are key in solo polyamory. It’s essential to discuss and agree on the expectations and boundaries that come with a solo polyamorous relationship to ensure that all partners are on the same page.

Solo-Polyamory Pros:

  1. Allows for independence and autonomy in relationships

  2. Can prioritize personal needs and desires

  3. Can form close connections with others without feeling constrained by societal expectations

  4. Can be a great fit for those who value independence and self-sufficiency

Solo-Polyamory Cons:

  1. Can be difficult to find partners who understand and support the solo polyamory lifestyle

  2. Can be challenging to maintain multiple relationships simultaneously

  3. Can be difficult to find long-term partners

Relationship Anarchy

Breaking free from societal norms: Relationship anarchists living their best lives with autonomy and authenticity

Relationship Anarchy is a philosophy that emphasizes the autonomy of individuals and advocates for the dismantling of traditional relationship hierarchies. In this type of polyamory, people prioritize their own needs and desires, rather than adhering to societal norms and expectations. Relationship anarchy is all about breaking free from traditional relationship labels and hierarchies, and instead creating relationships that are unique and tailored to the individuals involved.

In Relationship anarchy, people are free to form connections and relationships with others based on their own needs and desires, without being limited by traditional relationship labels such as “boyfriend/girlfriend,” “partner,” or “spouse.” This allows individuals to form close connections with others, without feeling constrained by societal expectations and norms.

People who practice relationship anarchy often prioritize their own needs and desires, and they are not bound by the expectation of committing to one specific person or relationship. They form connections and relationships with people based on their own unique needs, desires, and feelings, without feeling constrained by traditional relationship labels.

It’s important to note that relationship anarchy is not for everyone, and it’s important to be honest with yourself and your partner(s) about what you want and need in a relationship. As with any type of relationship, communication and consent are key in relationship anarchy. It’s essential to discuss and agree on the expectations and boundaries that come with a relationship anarchy relationship to ensure that all partners are on the same page.

Relationship Anarchy Pros:

  1. Allows for the dismantling of traditional relationship hierarchies

  2. Allows people to form connections and relationships with others based on their own needs and desires

  3. Can foster deeper emotional intimacy and understanding among partners

  4. Can be a great fit for those who prioritize their own needs and desires

Relationship Anarchy Cons:

  1. Can be difficult to navigate and communicate boundaries and expectations with partners

  2. Can be challenging to maintain boundaries and expectations

  3. Can be difficult to find partners who understand and support the philosophy of relationship anarchy.


Swinging into action: A group of consenting adults exploring new sexual experiences together

Swinging, also known as “partner swapping,” is a consensual non-monogamous lifestyle that allows couples to explore new sexual experiences with other couples. It’s like a game of musical beds, but with more participation and less awkwardness. Imagine a buffet of love, but instead of food, it’s different partners to choose from. It’s a way for couples to explore their sexuality and desires with the knowledge and consent of their partner. It is important to note that swinging should be entered into with clear communication, consent, and ongoing discussions about boundaries. It’s also important to make sure that both partners are comfortable with the idea of engaging with other people and have talked through any potential concerns. It’s also important to note that swinging may not be suitable for everyone, and it’s important to find what works best for you and your partner(s).

Pros of Swinging:

  1. Allows couples to explore new sexual experiences and spice up their relationship

  2. Can bring couples closer together by fostering open communication and trust

  3. Can create a sense of community and friendship among other swingers

Cons of Swinging:

  1. Can be emotionally challenging for some people, as it requires a high level of trust and communication

  2. Not for everyone, as it may not align with some people’s personal values or desires

  3. Can be physically risky if proper precautions and safety measures are not taken

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

“Don’t ask, don’t tell: A couple embracing their own unique definition of a relationship

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Relationship (DADT) is a form of consensual non-monogamy where partners have the freedom to engage in sexual or romantic relationships with others, but don’t share the details of those relationships with one another. It’s a way for partners to explore their desires and needs while still maintaining the privacy of their relationships. This type of relationship can be especially useful for people who have different desires or needs that cannot be met within their primary relationship.

DADT Pros:

  1. Provides freedom to explore different desires and needs

  2. Allows for privacy in relationships

  3. Can foster deeper trust between partners

DADT Cons:

  1. Can be difficult to navigate boundaries and expectations

  2. Can lead to feelings of jealousy or possessiveness

  3. Can be challenging to maintain open and honest communication


Monogamish in motion: A couple exploring their boundaries and enjoying the best of both worlds

Monogamish is a type of relationship that is characterized by a mutual agreement between partners to engage in some level of non-monogamous behavior, while still maintaining a primarily monogamous relationship. This type of relationship is often described as being “mostly monogamous, but not entirely.”

For example, a couple may have a monogamish relationship where they are committed to one another, but they also have an agreement that they can engage in sexual experiences with other people once in a while, or only in certain situations such as when they’re traveling. This type of relationship can be a good fit for those who value the emotional intimacy and commitment of monogamy, but also want to explore other sexual or romantic experiences.

Monogamish can take many forms and the level of non-monogamous behavior can vary. Some couples may have an agreement that they can engage in casual sexual experiences, while others may have an agreement that they can have a secondary partner for emotional or romantic connection. The key to a successful monogamish relationship is open communication, trust, and consent between partners.

Pros of Monogamish:

  1. Allows for some level of non-monogamous behavior, which can be appealing for people who desire more sexual or romantic freedom.

  2. Can provide a sense of excitement and novelty to a relationship.

  3. Allows for open communication and honesty about desires and needs.

  4. Can be a good compromise for couples who have different desires and needs in terms of non-monogamy.

Cons of Monogamish:

  1. Can be challenging to navigate the boundaries and agreements of the relationship.

  2. There is a risk of jealousy and insecurity for some people.

  3. May not be suitable for people who are uncomfortable with the idea of their partner being with other people.

  4. Can be difficult to find partners who are open to this type of relationship.

It’s important to note that Monogamish is not for everyone and it requires a high level of trust, communication, and consent between partners. It’s important to find the type of relationship that works best for you and your partner(s) and it’s essential to be honest with yourself and your partner(s) about what you want and need in a relationship, and to be open to exploring different types of relationships until you find the one that works best for you


When it comes to relationships, the spectrum is wide and varied. From the traditional monogamy to polyamory, solo polyamory and Relationship anarchy, there’s a plethora of options to choose from. It’s essential to be honest with yourself and your partner(s) about what you want and need in a relationship, and to be open to exploring different types of relationships until you find the one that works best for you.

Monogamy is the most traditional form of a relationship, and it’s the practice of being romantically and sexually exclusive with one person at a time. It can be challenging for some people as it limits their options and may not align with their desires. However, it can also be a great fit for those who value emotional intimacy and exclusivity. It allows them to focus on building a deep connection with one person and allows them to focus on building a life together.

On the other hand, polyamory, solo polyamory and Relationship anarchy, allow individuals to form connections and relationships with others based on their own needs and desires, without being limited by traditional relationship labels. These types of relationships are perfect for those who prioritize their own needs and desires, and who want to maintain a sense of autonomy in their relationships.

It’s important to remember that the most important thing is to find a type of relationship that makes you happy and fulfilled. So take the time to explore different types of relationships and find the one that works best for you. And don’t forget to tune into Monday Munch on January 16th at 9pm EST for a deeper dive into the Relationship Spectrum.

In conclusion, the relationship spectrum is vast and varied, and there’s no one “right” way to have a relationship. Whether you’re a monogamy enthusiast, a polyamory pro, or somewhere in between, it’s important to find the type of relationship that works best for you and your partner(s).

We hope this article has provided some insight and understanding into the different types of relationships on the spectrum, and we encourage our readers to share their own experiences and ask any questions in the comments section below. Everyone’s journey is unique, and we want to hear about yours. So don’t be shy, leave your thoughts and questions in the comments and let’s continue this conversation together.

Don’t forget to follow Kinkslayer on social media for more tips, tricks, and insights on all things related to relationships and personal development! Keep an eye out for our upcoming Monday Munch talk show where we’ll dive deeper into the topic of the relationship spectrum and answer any questions you may have. Join the conversation by following us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, and don’t forget to tune in every Monday at 9pm EST for our live show!

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