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Sushi and Tacos on the Same Plate: Exploring Relationship Anarchy

TL;DR: Relationship anarchy is like a buffet where you can mix and match to your heart’s content without anyone judging you for having sushi and tacos on the same plate, but, communication is key, or you might end up with a spicy surprise! In summary, traditional relationships follow a recipe, while relationship anarchy is all about the buffet.

Relationship Anarchy is not about never committing to anything – it’s about designing your own commitments with the people around you. -Andie Nordgren

Relationship Anarchy vs. Traditional Relationships

Traditional relationships are often associated with societal expectations of monogamy, where one person fulfills all of our emotional needs. In contrast, relationship anarchy breaks free from these expectations, exploring new ways of relating to others. It’s not just about having multiple sexual partners or being promiscuous, but rather, it’s about building connections with people in a way that works for you, without being constrained by traditional relationship labels.

Relationship anarchy, it’s like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book, but instead of a fictional journey, it’s your love life. With relationship anarchy, you get to pick and choose who you want to date, hook up with, or simply cuddle with. You’re the protagonist of your own romantic story, and you get to decide which characters stay and which ones go.

This approach prioritizes personal freedom and autonomy, which means you’re no longer held hostage by societal expectations or traditional relationship roles. It’s like finally getting to eat dessert before dinner, but instead of cake, it’s the freedom to explore relationships in a non-linear, non-traditional way. With relationship anarchy, you can have different types of relationships with people who fulfill different aspects of your life, like having a hiking buddy who’s also great in bed, or a Netflix and chill partner who’s also your sounding board for work stress.

In short, relationship anarchy is like a romantic playground where you get to slide down whichever slide you want, swing as high as you want, and even have a picnic in the middle of it all. It’s not for everyone, but for those who embrace it, the possibilities are endless. So why settle for a cookie-cutter relationship when you can have your very own DIY romantic adventure?

Communication is Key

Communication is a vital aspect of any relationship, and non-monogamous relationships are no exception. Open and honest communication can be challenging, but it’s essential in ensuring successful non-monogamous relationships. It’s important to talk to your partners about what you want and need from the relationship and be open to hearing their thoughts and feelings.

Using “I” statements instead of “you” statements can be a helpful technique in communicating with your partners. This approach helps to keep the conversation focused on your feelings and experiences, rather than making your partner feel defensive. For example, instead of saying “You never make time for me,” try saying “I feel neglected when we don’t spend enough time together.” Here are some great exercises to try to improve your communication: The “Three-Times Rule”: Whenever you’re feeling upset, take a moment to breathe and ask yourself, “Is this something that has bothered me three times?” If it has, then it’s worth bringing up to your partner.

  1. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Is this something that has bothered me three times?”

  2. If the answer is yes, it’s time to bring it up with your partner.

  3. But wait! Before you do, make sure to take another deep breath and collect your thoughts. No one wants to have a conversation with an angry, rambling mess.

The “Active Listening” Game: Take turns being the speaker and the listener. The speaker shares their thoughts and feelings, while the listener repeats back what they heard to make sure they understand.

  1. Choose who goes first.

  2. The speaker shares their thoughts and feelings with the listener.

  3. The listener repeats back what they heard to ensure understanding.

  4. Then, switch roles!

  5. Rinse and repeat until you both feel like you’ve been heard and understood.

The “Non-Violent Communication” Method: Use the NVC method to express your needs and feelings without blaming or criticizing your partner.

  1. Identify the situation that’s bothering you.

  2. Share your feelings about it using “I” statements.

  3. Identify your needs in the situation.

  4. Make a request to your partner that is specific and actionable.

  5. Finally, end with gratitude and appreciation for your partner’s willingness to listen and understand.

Dealing with jealousy is another vital aspect of communication in non-monogamous relationships. It’s important to acknowledge and express jealousy instead of suppressing it. This vulnerability helps to strengthen the relationship and promotes a deeper connection with your partner.

Here are some exercises to help with Jealousy: The “Jealousy Journal”: Whenever you feel jealous, write down the situation that triggered it and what thoughts and feelings came up. Then, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself if they’re based in reality and if they serve you.

  1. Grab a notebook or open up a blank document on your computer.

  2. Whenever you feel that green-eyed monster creeping up on you, write down the situation that triggered it.

  3. Next, jot down the thoughts and feelings that came up. Don’t hold back – let it all out!

  4. Finally, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself if they’re based in reality and if they serve you.

Pro tip: if they’re not, crumple up that page and use it as kindling for a campfire.

The “Gratitude Game”: Make a list of all the things you appreciate about your partner and your relationship. Focusing on the positive can help diminish feelings of jealousy.

  1. Make a list of all the things you appreciate about your partner and your relationship. This can include big things like “They always make me laugh,” or small things like “They make me breakfast in bed on Saturdays.”

  2. Whenever you feel jealous, whip out your gratitude list and read through it. Focusing on the positive can help diminish feelings of jealousy.

  3. If you’re feeling extra grateful, surprise your partner by doing something special for them. Maybe you make them a fancy dinner or buy them a thoughtful gift. Who knows? Maybe they’ll reciprocate the gratitude.

The “Compersion Challenge”: Try to find joy in your partner’s connections with others. Practice feeling happy for their happiness and see how it shifts your perspective on jealousy.

  1. Whenever your partner connects with someone else, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re happy for their happiness.

  2. Practice feeling joy for their joy. If they’re excited about a new relationship or friendship, celebrate with them!

  3. See how it shifts your perspective on jealousy. Who knows? Maybe you’ll start to feel compersion (the opposite of jealousy) more often.

Know Thyself

It’s crucial to know oneself and set personal boundaries before embarking on any type of non-monogamous relationship. Understanding your dealbreakers and must-haves can help you navigate the waters of non-monogamy successfully. For example, if you know that you’re prone to jealousy, you might want to avoid certain types of non-monogamous relationships. Knowing your own boundaries and needs can also help you to be a better partner. Here are some questions to help you get to know yourself better before diving into non-monogamy:

  1. What are my dealbreakers?

  2. What are my must-haves?

  3. Am I prone to jealousy? If so, how can I manage those feelings?

  4. What are my personal boundaries when it comes to intimacy and connection?

  5. What do I hope to gain from a non-monogamous relationship?

  6. What are my fears and insecurities around non-monogamy, and how can I address them?

  7. How can I communicate my needs and boundaries effectively to my partner(s)?

The Perks of Polyamory

One of the most significant perks of non-monogamous relationships is the freedom and autonomy that comes with them. With relationship anarchy, you’re free to explore connections with multiple people on your own terms. This type of non-monogamous relationship also has the potential for deeper, more fulfilling connections. When you’re not restricted by monogamy, you’re free to form connections with people based on shared interests, values, and experiences It’s like a choose-your-own-adventure book, but with relationships.

Here are the pros and cons in a handy-dandy bullet list:


  1. Love for Everyone: You’re not limited to just one partner, so you can spread your love around like Nutella on a slice of bread. Everyone gets a taste of your affection!

  2. More Excitement: You get to explore different connections with multiple people, which means more adventure and excitement in your love life. It’s like going on a roller coaster ride, but with your heart.

  3. Diversity is the Spice of Life: With multiple partners, you have the opportunity to form deeper, more fulfilling relationships based on shared interests, values, and experiences. It’s like having a whole buffet of different flavors to choose from.

  4. Plenty of Options: You’ll never have to worry about being stuck with just one person, because there are plenty of fish in the sea. You can always go fishing for someone new if you’re feeling like it.


  1. Jealousy: With multiple partners, it can be hard to avoid feeling jealous or insecure. It’s like trying to share your favorite toy with other kids – sometimes you just want it all to yourself.

  2. Time Management: Juggling multiple relationships can be a real time-suck, so you’ll need to be organized and good at scheduling. It’s like trying to balance a bunch of spinning plates, except the plates are your relationships and they all want attention at the same time.

  3. STIs: Let’s face it, the more partners you have, the higher the risk of catching something nasty. It’s like playing Russian Roulette with your health – you never know when you’re going to get hit.

  4. Drama: If one partner gets upset, it can easily spill over into your other relationships, leading to a whole lot of drama. It’s like a soap opera, but instead of watching it on TV, you’re living it in real life.

The Perks of Relationship Anarchy Specifically

It’s like being a kid in a candy store, except the candy store is filled with potential partners and the candy is…well, you get the idea. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  1. No labels: You’re free to define your relationships on your own terms, without any pesky labels like “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”. Just call them what they are, like “person I’m currently smooching”

  2. Unconventional love: Why settle for a traditional, monogamous relationship when you can have something way more interesting and unconventional? Relationship anarchy lets you explore all kinds of unique and exciting connections with people.

  3. The ultimate freedom: You’re not just free to date multiple people, you’re free from any expectations or rules about how relationships should work. You can create your own rules and boundaries based on what feels right for you

  4. Embracing change: Relationships are constantly evolving, and with relationship anarchy, you’re encouraged to embrace that change instead of fighting against it. You can let your relationships grow and evolve naturally, without any pressure to conform to a specific model.

  5. Community: With relationship anarchy, you’re part of a supportive community of people who share your beliefs and values. You can connect with others who understand your desire for freedom and autonomy, and build relationships that are truly authentic and fulfilling.


  1. Misunderstandings: Since relationship anarchy is still a relatively new and unfamiliar concept to many people, it can be hard to explain your lifestyle to others who might not understand it. Be prepared for some confusion and misunderstandings.

  2. Hard to define: With no clear rules or labels, it can be hard to define your relationships to others, and even to yourself. This can lead to some ambiguity and uncertainty, which isn’t for everyone.

  3. Emotional labor: With multiple relationships comes a lot of emotional labor. You’ll need to be prepared to put in the time and effort to maintain those connections and communicate effectively with your partners.

  4. Navigating jealousy: Jealousy can still rear its ugly head in relationship anarchy, just like in any other type of relationship. You’ll need to have the skills and emotional intelligence to navigate those feelings and communicate effectively with your partners.

  5. Not for everyone: Let’s face it, relationship anarchy isn’t for everyone. Some people are more comfortable with clear rules and labels in their relationships, and that’s okay. It’s important to be honest with yourself and your partners about what you want and need in a relationship.

Polyamory and relationship anarchy may seem similar at first glance, with both involving non-monogamous relationships and a focus on autonomy and freedom. However, there are still some key differences between the two. While polyamory often involves having multiple romantic partners within a structured hierarchy, relationship anarchy prioritizes individual connections and doesn’t adhere to any preconceived structure. In other words, relationship anarchy is like a free-for-all, while polyamory is more like a game of musical chairs. Ultimately, the difference between the two comes down to the emphasis on structure and hierarchy.

As you embark on your relationship anarchy journey, remember to pack some snacks because this ride could get bumpy. But trust me, it’ll be worth it. Here are some parting words to guide you along the way:

  1. Be honest with yourself: Knowing yourself is the first step to any successful relationship, and non-monogamy is no exception. Take the time to reflect on your values, boundaries, and expectations before diving into the deep end.

  2. Communication is key: It’s the oldest trick in the book, but it still works like a charm. Clear communication is essential in non-monogamous relationships. Remember to express your needs, feelings, and boundaries with your partners. And if you’re not sure, ask questions. Just make sure to avoid pigeon noises, unless that’s your thing.

  3. Keep an open mind: Non-monogamous relationships can be anything you want them to be. Explore different types of non-monogamy and see what works for you. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and try new things.

  4. Embrace the journey: Non-monogamy can be a wild ride, with ups and downs and twists and turns. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey. Take the time to savor each moment, connect with your partners, and experience the freedom that non-monogamy offers.

In the end, non-monogamy and relationship anarchy can be rewarding experiences for those who embrace them. Just remember to pack your snacks, keep an open mind, and most importantly, have fun!


Q: How do you handle scheduling dates with multiple partners?

A: Easy – just use Google Calendar and color-code each partner’s events. Just make sure you don’t accidentally invite the wrong person to the wrong date!

Q: What if I get jealous seeing my partner with someone else?

A: That’s natural! Instead of suppressing your jealousy, try exploring it with your partner and identifying the root causes. It might just lead to deeper communication and understanding. Check out and try the exercises above and see if they help.

Q: Can I still have a “primary” partner in a relationship anarchy setup?

A: In relationship anarchy, there’s no room for the “primary” vs “secondary” labeling nonsense. However, you can certainly have a special someone who holds a special place in your heart, such as a nesting partner. Just make sure to communicate openly with them and all your other partners about your intentions, expectations, and boundaries. Just don’t get lost in labels, that brings structure to anarchy and takes away all of the meaning.

Q: What if my friends and family don’t understand or approve of my non-monogamous relationships?

A: It can be tough when your loved ones don’t understand your choices, but remember – it’s your life, not theirs. Try explaining your perspective and boundaries calmly, and if they still don’t respect your choices, it might be time to set some healthy boundaries.

Q: Is relationship anarchy just an excuse to sleep around with multiple people?

A: Absolutely not! Non-monogamous relationships can be just as meaningful and fulfilling as monogamous ones, and relationship anarchy is all about creating authentic and consensual connections with multiple partners.

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